Nutrition is more than weight-loss…

I am a socially-conscious nutritionist. I care deeply about both human and planetary health. While not all of my clients adopt a completely whole-food, plant-based diet, I do work with them to incorporate more whole plant-foods into their nutrition plan. Not only does this improve their health outcomes, but it is also better for the planet.  I hope you find this short video informative. —Gigi Carter

Additional information (updated August 15, 2018):

Plant-Based Diet for Overweight and Obesity Prevention and Treatment 

Avoiding meat and dairy is ‘single biggest way’ to reduce your impact on Earth in The Guardian

Reducing Food’s Environmental Impacts

Five Foods You’ll Be Eating in the Future by World Economic Forum

Global Diets Linked to Environmental Sustainability and Human Health by Tilman & Clark

Hothouse Earth in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

CNN Video about Lab Grown Meat

The Plant-Based Workplace