Michael is 44 years old, and president and CEO of Boys & Girls Club of Dane County, Wisconsin. He and Toya have been married for 17 years, and they have three children.
Michael, please tell me a little bit about your history.
I grew up on the west side of Chicago, in one of the most challenged public housing developments in the country. It was infested with gangs, drugs and prostitution.
Fortunately, I was able to get a scholarship to go to the University of Minnesota, changing my environment, and it’s where I met my wife, Toya. We are now in our 40’s and our children are 6, 9, and 15 years old.
When did you adopt a plant based lifestyle and what was your motivation?
Over my adult life, I ballooned up to 430 pounds, and my wife and kids gained a substantial amount of weight too. We made a family decision to improve our health, and started walking and exercising together.
I also knew I needed to change the way I ate but was not sure how to start. I began with a mild keto diet, and although I did lose some weight, a visit to my physician showed that my cholesterol and blood pressure had gone from bad to worse.
Determined to find a way to get healthy, I started working out at the gym. It was there that someone told me about the whole food, plant based way of eating.
Because my previous attempts at finding a path to good health were lackluster, in June of 2019 I decided to try plant based eating for a few weeks, to see what would happen. When I went back to my primary care physician three weeks later and my cholesterol had dropped from 300 to 237, it was all the motivation I needed to stay the path. My wife and family came on board as well, and within 9 to 11 months, our family collectively lost 225 pounds.

Toya, what was your kids’ response to plant based eating?
Our kids initially varied on their acceptance of eating whole food, plant based, but with vegan meat and cheese to help make the transition, they did quite well. When I would serve a meal and let them know after-the-fact that the ‘meat’ and ‘cheese’ they were eating was made from plants – the kids were in disbelief. They would say “Mom! this is GOOD!”.
They finally stopped thinking that if it wasn’t meat or cheese from animals, it wasn’t real food.
After watching ‘Forks over Knives’ and ‘The Game Changers’, our son who is a high school athlete was very inspired and ‘all-in’. He has now lost 50 pounds, and his remarkable physical transformation has convinced others on his football team (and their families!) to explore a whole food, plant based diet. He has since expanded his interests to baseball and running track. His mental clarity improved, and he is doing extremely well in school.
All members of our family are followed on social media, and we work to be an example of positive change in our community and the world. We have inspired plant based eating in our friends and family, young and old.
Our family cooks together, and the kids’ participation self-generates their interest in healthy eating. We believe a little more time in the kitchen saves time and resources by not having to go to the doctor’s office.
Michael recently participated in a public community service event in which he came in second place with his plant based dish, beating out popular dishes that included pork, beef and chicken. Many attendees were amazed that his dish was so good, and were inspired to pursue a plant based lifestyle on that day.
What are a few typical meals your family eats?
Breakfast – Just eggs (vegan brand) and veggies in a flat wrap, oatmeal or granola with plant milk, berries with vegan whip cream.
Lunch – Beyond burger with salad.
Dinner – Cabbage steaks with vegan meat, tofu chili with cauliflower and rice, Teriyaki faux chicken with cauliflower rice.
What other changes have you seen in your health?
We have more energy, stamina and clarity, and no colds or flus. The family runs 5Ks, and walks up to 10,000 steps in a single outing. Michael has had his most productive and focused year at work, and attributes it all to building his health through a plant based diet.
How has your journey influenced your extended family and community?
Many people are concerned about their health, and they ask us what we have done to make such a remarkable change. The role of WFPB mentor has been rewarding, although it can sometimes be overwhelming. Folks see the remarkable changes we have made, and they want that for themselves. As an example, Michael went from a 6X to a 2X t-shirt, and a size 64 to a 42 pant.
Toya’s mom has joined in, and is starting to incorporate Johnson family WFPB recipes in her own kitchen. She calls Toya to share her excitement over finding a new vegan product or meal preparation.
We cooked for a family member who was recovering from a stroke. We prepared delicious vegan meals as a way of helping him envision a healthier diet for himself.
Where do you find your support in the Plant Based community? You mentioned documentaries - anything else?
We participate in a local vegan group on social media, and blog on our own family page. A local vegan chef we met at our favorite restaurant is now Michael’s nutritionist.
Michael, what advice to you have for folks who want to make a change for the better for their health?
Take one step at a time.
A year ago, we started with walking. At that time, I couldn’t walk 3 blocks without taking a breather. Now I run 5K’s.
Start logging meals, micronutrients, sugar, calories, etc. It taught us the science that became the critical turning point for our family.
See your physician – it helps to know what your blood levels are before you begin, and after you have made the change. When I saw my stats change from ‘alarming’ to ‘perfect/normal’, I was relieved. Educate yourself on what you are putting in your body and how it affects you.
Interview by Janice Williams

Janice Williams is a passionate plant based home chef and ardent animal advocate. She worked as a wildlife educator in the Northwest for 12 years, and now volunteers as a wildlife rescuer for Wolf Hollow wildlife rehabilitation center. She is a writer and artist, and lives with her husband on Orcas Island, Washington.